Raves for STROKE DIALOGUES Conversations with Dad

"I think this is going to make a big difference in how people understand Aphasia and what people go through to be able to communicate, share their feelings, thoughts,  and whatever they need to express...it allows people to see the possibility for humor and to embrace it and to feel good about having a laugh at some really difficult times. Stroke survivors who have been through it, will relate to it a lot."

Bill Gasiamis
Recovery After Stroke Podcast - Episode 202

“With love, compassion, and humor Jeri Goldstein takes us on the difficult journey of the aftermath of a stroke and how it changes the lives, not only of the stroke survivor, but of their family and friends as well. Eavesdropping on the stochastic conversations between her and Sheldon, her smart, determined father, you see how patience and resolve can help a stroke survivor move into new patterns of living, while embracing the inevitable ups and downs with humor, strength, and sympathy.

Reading Jeri’s very personal tales reminded me of our own family’s struggles and triumphs after my dad’s stroke. This book is an exceptional guide to any reader looking for insight into how to manage the changes to life, both small and large, brought on by strokes.”

Thom Bennett, Photographer
Son of a stroke survivor
New Orleans, LA

 “Jeri Goldstein’s memoir of her father’s stroke recovery is a triumph of spirit, practical information, and down to earth help-through-learned experience for caregivers of stroke survivors.

A glimpse of life post-stroke within this family, whose wit and wisdom shines through again, and again, is a tonic for anyone living through this life event, so often traumatic and difficult.

With a deft touch, delicacy and humour, Jeri tackles their emotionally difficult journey, from diagnosis forward.

Engaging from the beginning—a page turner! The family’s story, and each milestone they faced, was so compelling, I read it all in one sitting.

Finally, the epilogue, Lessons Learned from this Journey, turns this into a must-have guide for anyone caring for a loved one in this situation.”

Jenn Bussanich Hudson
Loving friend and caregiver to a stroke survivor
Queensland, Australia

“Ms. Goldstein has written a compelling and compassionate story of her interactions with her father following his having a significant and sudden stroke. The conversations capture the details of the confusion, and the ensuing, yet inconsistent moments of clarity. The book highlights the patience, thoughtfulness, and creativeness required to decipher the array of speech deficits caused by the stroke.

Ms. Goldstein’s book has applicability to those whose friend or family member has had a stroke, and is a heartwarming story, familiar to many. It offers insight that will benefit those trying to understand this complex process of recovery.”

Gary B. Rosen, M.D.
Psychiatrist, Boulder, CO

“With her customary forthright candor, Jeri Goldstein has done a great job chronicling the daunting challenges her family faced during her father's stroke recovery. By sharing her numerous creative coping strategies, hopefully Jeri will inspire and facilitate creative problem-solving by other caregivers.”

Grace Bennett, Concert Pianist
Daughter of a stroke survivor
Louisville, KY

“I highly recommend this fun read. It's a great resource if you or a family member has had a stroke. It should be required reading for professionals who work with stroke patients.”

Lisa Meissner,
Clinical Social Worker, retired
Potsdam, NY

Raves for STROKE DIALOGUES Conversations with Dad

“With love, compassion, and humor Jeri Goldstein takes us on the difficult journey of the aftermath of a stroke and how it changes the lives, not only of the stroke survivor, but of their family and friends as well. Eavesdropping on the stochastic conversations between her and Sheldon, her smart, determined father, you see how patience and resolve can help a stroke survivor move into new patterns of living, while embracing the inevitable ups and downs with humor, strength, and sympathy.

Reading Jeri’s very personal tales reminded me of our own family’s struggles and triumphs after my dad’s stroke. This book is an exceptional guide to any reader looking for insight into how to manage the changes to life, both small and large, brought on by strokes.”

Thom Bennett, Photographer
Son of a stroke survivor
New Orleans, LA

 “Jeri Goldstein’s memoir of her father’s stroke recovery is a triumph of spirit, practical information, and down to earth help-through-learned experience for caregivers of stroke survivors.

A glimpse of life post-stroke within this family, whose wit and wisdom shines through again, and again, is a tonic for anyone living through this life event, so often traumatic and difficult.

With a deft touch, delicacy and humour, Jeri tackles their emotionally difficult journey, from diagnosis forward.

Engaging from the beginning—a page turner! The family’s story, and each milestone they faced, was so compelling, I read it all in one sitting.

Finally, the epilogue, Lessons Learned from this Journey, turns this into a must-have guide for anyone caring for a loved one in this situation.”

Jenn Bussanich Hudson
Loving friend and caregiver to a stroke survivor
Queensland, Australia

“Ms. Goldstein has written a compelling and compassionate story of her interactions with her father following his having a significant and sudden stroke. The conversations capture the details of the confusion, and the ensuing, yet inconsistent moments of clarity. The book highlights the patience, thoughtfulness, and creativeness required to decipher the array of speech deficits caused by the stroke.

Ms. Goldstein’s book has applicability to those whose friend or family member has had a stroke, and is a heartwarming story, familiar to many. It offers insight that will benefit those trying to understand this complex process of recovery.”

Gary B. Rosen, M.D.
Psychiatrist, Boulder, CO

“With her customary forthright candor, Jeri Goldstein has done a great job chronicling the daunting challenges her family faced during her father's stroke recovery. By sharing her numerous creative coping strategies, hopefully Jeri will inspire and facilitate creative problem-solving by other caregivers.”

Grace Bennett, Concert Pianist
Daughter of a stroke survivor
Louisville, KY

“I highly recommend this fun read. It's a great resource if you or a family member has had a stroke. It should be required reading for professionals who work with stroke patients.”

Lisa Meissner,
Clinical Social Worker, retired
Potsdam, NY